Advanced Business Owner Clinic
Are You Tired of Taking Baby Steps in Your Business?
Are You Ready to Make More Money?
Are You Sick of Running Up Against the Same Old Challenges?
Are You Stuck in Inertia?
Are you a driven, intense, and maybe even obsessed woman business owner who loves what you do, knows that you have a lot to offer, and really wants to be wildly successful, but...
- You want a grander vision and the clarity to act on it.
- You need a road map with defined tactical steps for what you want to accomplish.
- You need to better know your buyers and to build a strong sales funnel.
No matter how accomplished you are, you realize the value of being part of a group of successful people who are at, or better yet, above your level.
- Given your talent, you know you can be achieving more.
- You're concerned that the only way to greater success is to work harder and longer hours, and the fact is, you already are.
- You are often challenged by worries over money, fear about the unknown, and frustration about priorities.
- You sometimes doubt your capability.
This is where the Advanced Business Owner Clinic can help.
Are You Willing to Do Whatever It Takes to Profoundly Transform Your Life and Your Business?
If so, the Advanced Business Owner Clinic was designed for you, to help you surpass previous performance and rise to new levels of accomplishment.
At the Advanced Business Owner Clinic:
You will gain tools for growth that are very powerful. As you master these tools, you emerge as a transformed business leader and person.
Your mind will expand. You will make decisions and grow your company with more confidence, awareness, knowledge, and speed.
You will experience more clarity. You will gain motivation and courage to explore beyond your current limitations (especially the ones that you are sick and tired of).
You will learn how to generate more revenue. Goals will be established. You will learn a process to achieve these goals - achieving not just once, but again and again!
You will become energized, both physically and emotionally. A path to centeredness, joy, and good health is a plan that you will put into place and act upon.
You will embrace change instead of avoiding it. You'll experience a growing excitment as you equate change with growth. Performance and effectiveness increase.
You will set priorities and find yourself more organized. You'll feel more balanced and fulfilled, as a calm and centeredness prevails over chaos.
You will keep your fears and anxiety in proper perspective, consciously aware of their destructive behaviors.
You will learn to manifest what you want, not what you don't want. (My personal favorite!)
You will become a more effective business leader with consistent performance and achievements that demonstrate this.
You will learn communication styles that keep levels of frustration minimized when dealing with difficult people.
Think of this as your business on rocket propellant -
generating great acceleration.
Enrollment into this clinic is highly selective and limited.The application itself is lengthy and will help determine if this is the right venue for your growth. If you sense that Advanced Business Owner Clinic is a path to new heights you never dreamed were possible, then I recommend you apply today. If you are not prepared to do what it takes to make these giant leaps both personally and professionally, you should not apply at this time. This selected group of talented women business owners will be working together with me, over several months, to create extraordinary transformation.
Why Advanced Business Owner Clinic?
As a baby boomer, I participated in the women's movement - allowing women more equal rights. I'm proud to be part of that fabulous era. But it doesn't stop there.
Women like you and me want to embrace our power, our brilliance, our intuition, and our courage - more so then ever before.
There's a need for our voices to be heard so that we can reach great achievements and be paid fully and handsomely for the value we bring. Our voices (and offerings) not only create greater income, but empower future generations of women and influence change in the workforce.
This requires women like you bringing your gifts to the table and boldly presenting them to the world. This requires a proven path that will enhance your growth, your income, and your business profitability.
The Advanced Business Owner Clinic is that path. It is an innovative group coaching program developed to meet the high pressure demands facing today’s women business owners. If you are ready to stop taking baby steps and to start achieving strong performance with the support of expert coaching and a group of success-driven women business owners, click here.
The Bottom Line
Take a look at your business, your career, and your life right now. Is it working exactly the way you want it to? Are you achieving all of your goals? Do you remain focused or are you taken off course by daily fires to be put out? Are you earning the income you dream about? Are you feeling centered and balanced in your life? Are you happy? Do you question if you’re on the right course? Are you connected to yourself at a higher level, you know, the type of connection that inspires and guides you? Are you giving up on some dreams, maybe accepting less than you should?
Are you ready for profound transformation? Click here!
Space in the Advanced Business Owner Clinic is very limited!