
Advanced Business Owner Clinic

Enrollment into the Advanced Business Owner Clinic is selective.  The first step in the application process is a brief phone call to  determine if this program is a good match for you. 

Who Should and Should Not Enroll in the Advanced Business Owner Clinic?

Does the Advanced Business Owner Clinic call to you so strongly that you would walk through three feet of snow in below freezing temperature to attend each session? Are you willing to crawl on scraped legs over splintered planks to engage in the exploration and breakthrough of these issues with a group of like-minded similarly motivated business leaders?

If the answer is no, ask yourself a few more questions. Can I rally the commitment and motivation to give this program my very best?  Will I put my energy and time in this so that I can get the most from this program and contribute to the other leaders in this group who also will give their best, and expect the same from me? If you answered yes to these questions, you probably will benefit greatly from the Advanced Business Owner  Clinic coaching. If the answer is still no, then this program is not for you at this time.  

If the answer is yes, let's go. Fill out this form and I will contact you so we can schedule time to talk.

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