
A Partnership on the Road to Destruction

Mark is a successful entrepreneur and owner of a $50M company. He has two partners who did not have confidence in his role as president, and continually undermined him. Their ongoing power struggle permeated the company and employees were operating as factions, not as a team. This impacted performance and results. Sales were inconsistent, and no one was holding the sales team accountable for their goals. Operations were ineffective and inefficient, and customer satisfaction had tanked.

Mark and his partners enrolled in our coaching program. A direct, honest and less destructive approach was created for giving feedback to each other. With a plan in place to create alignment amongst the partners, the focus was shifted to the health and future of the company. A rebirth of the organization began to take place. The partnership team learned how to communicate for results, not for annihilation. When alignment was present they could address problems and issues with quicker resolve. The directors of sales and operations were replaced. Customer satisfaction turned around and is currently on track to support the company’s mission for superior customer service. In addition to short term goals, a long range plan is now in effect. With stronger lines of communication occurring, more innovative thinking is present.

Coaching Result

Driving results with a focus on commitment and alignment.

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